Tuesday, June 30, 2009

breath catches

The sight of someone's name, should it make me breathless?
On paper, online, in text, on phone? It's been quite a trip, this emotional let-down, evoking the feeling of my milk dropping down, the relief of feeding, nurishing my son. I want to feed my fervent emotions, to release them, to shine, to blind with the stunning glow errupting from my heart. Share my breath, catching all the way to my spine. I beg of you, let me.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I dig this

I have to admit I have a thing for the lead singer in THIS video, hehe. Ohh, the song has been stuck in my head for some time. So happy they are coming to Eugene!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cosmic dance

So intense
I am on another plane of existence.
One of pure feeling and neurological impulses. Mind streaming serotonin and adrenaline.
Neurons firing in a pattern that hits me with the full force
of the
millions of years that it took to become

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice

Night in Day

by Joseph Stroud

The night never wants to end, to give itself over

to light. So it traps itself in things: obsidian, crows.

Even on summer solstice, the day of light's great

triumph, where fields of sunflowers guzzle in the sun-
we break open the watermelon and spit out

black seeds, bits of night glistening on the grass.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Apathy is Dead in Iran

Green: colour of solidarity

Do we even remeber our 2000 elections??
Iran elections: Mousavi joins hundreds of thousands of supporters at rally in Tehran
"God willing, we will take back our rights," Mousavi shouted from the roof of a car amid a vast sea of Iranians, young and old, who packed into central Tehran to protest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election.
Video feed on Twitter.
Twitter delays maintenance to support Iranian protests
Micro-blogging service Twitter has delayed downtime because of the role it is playing in post-election protests in Iran
My 100th post!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hollow Bones

Birds wings

Fluttering hitting


hollow bones.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hard lesson to learn..............or is it?

the book was suprisingly on the spot when I read it years ago. As for the movie? Meh. However, AT LEAST in this movie, not every woman is happily ever after at the end. This, to me, is an improvement of sorts. Especially, when you are indeed single and generally happy at my age. HA!
Ohh! Can Scarlett Johansen get any hotter?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


felt insecure
Cause you said maybe I couldn't hear over me
I guess that might have been a turn-off?
Then, you had your moment
and I did not know
So, I was foolishly continuing with language
the talk
fool, fool, fool

I am sad cause
I wanna hear you
wanna feel you
in your moment

The primal in me
wanting to watch you
hear you

How to go from thinking
of you
touching me
my leg, wait, thigh
to touching my
thinking of

You see
even the thought of
being near
can give me a

Not even the actual act has
in my mind
I am still on
feeling you
smelling you
being near you
I am

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

handle life

Wha? Wha?
Break the cycle
Wha? Wha?
Break the cycle
Break the cycle

should it be a chant? When we feel we have done exacty as planned, is it enough? when you find out that the cycle you are breaking is one that you felt everyone must have gone through. Ha! Alas, no. bitterness. How can you survive on raw bones and blood. Break the cycle.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

This young adult book focuses on Hannah and Clay. It also dives into teen suicide and is hard to put down. Hannah has committed suicide. Clay received a box of tapes in the mail. 13 sides for thirteen reasons why. Each side is for a person, including Clay. He wonders how he could be part of the tapes. He had a crush on Hannah, but never got close. It's told in dual narratives that are heartbreaking, confusing, and mind-numbing. Follow Clay one night as he listens to 13 reasons while roaming the streets of his home town. Insightful and definitely not just for teen readers.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My needle-felting


I finally finished a needle-felting project! YAY! My friend over at Pressed leaves posted some pics. So, why don't ya just skip on over and see them :)
Then, you can stay awhile and read.....................

no more nice girls

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

His Jihad airing nightly

Seems to me that one may care.
However, it's not to be.
Tiller the baby killer has been shot!
The hate speech, aired 28 times.
Mass murderer, blood on his hands.
Red face, confident sneer.
Provoking hate and acts of violence.
Who me? He looks surprised.


Humble warrior of woman's rights.

What shall we remember of this day?
All the ones who laughed at the thought?
Our ideology of life does not include murder.
Four since 1993
Terrorized by a jihad
That promises death and destruction
Of their enemies.

One man
Who upheld a legal procedure
helping women
giving privacy
Afraid for his patients
If anything happened to him.

One man
Who loved his wife
Made his children laugh
Watched his grandchildren with awe